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Last minute flight deals to Istanbul

Last minute flights to Istanbul

The average price for a last minute flight to Istanbul is $ 353. This price is based on all searches done in our system in the last 12 months. Our other customers really like to fly with Ukraine International, as it is the most popular airline for last minute flights to Istanbul. If you're considering flying last minute to Istanbul, on average January has the best fares.

There are various airports that offer flights to Istanbul, according to our data you have the best chance of finding great deals if you fly from New York.

Best last minute price

The best price we found for Istanbul is $ 353.

When to fly

The cheapest month to fly last minute to Istanbul is January.

The most popular airline

The most frequently chosen airline on for a flight to Istanbul is Ukraine International.

Departure airport

There are various airports that offer flights to Istanbul. The cheapest flights are from New York.

About Istanbul

Historically known by several other names, Istanbul today is the largest city in Turkey and the 7th largest city in the world. Considered a capital of culture in Europe, this city of wonders offers visitors a vast array of historical, cultural and architectural sights sure to please any traveller. Previously known as Byzantium and Constantinople and with origins in the ancient Greek empire, this city has had a long and bloody history. A major tourist hub in Europe, visitors spend their days marvelling at the incredible Ottoman Empire architecture, traditional art and Turkish baths.

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Flying to Istanbul