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*Return fares per person, including taxes, excluding a US$ 5.00 booking fee.

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Popular Searched Flight Deals

Searching for flights or looking for good deals on airline tickets? Explore the world with our curated selection of cheap international flight tickets. Unlock incredible savings and embark on your next global journey with our exclusive international flight deals below.


Europe is the most visited travel destination in the world. Travelers who book flights to Europe will enjoy its amazing diversity of cultures...

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This is the lowest fare found in the last 24 hours by visitors of www.budgetair.com/en_us and is excl. a US$ 5.00 booking fee. More info


Asia is the largest region on earth and home to over 60% of the world's population. When you book flights to Asia, bear in mind that the region...

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This is the lowest fare found in the last 24 hours by visitors of www.budgetair.com/en_us and is excl. a US$ 5.00 booking fee. More info

North America

Looking for a great deal on cheap flights to North America? BudgetAir.com compares all destinations, airlines and itineraries to offer you the cheapest...

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This is the lowest fare found in the last 24 hours by visitors of www.budgetair.com/en_us and is excl. a US$ 5.00 booking fee. More info

Middle East

Travelers are booking flights to the Middle East because it offers something for everybody. History buffs appreciate exploring its 2000 year old Roman ruins...

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This is the lowest fare found in the last 24 hours by visitors of www.budgetair.com/en_us and is excl. a US$ 5.00 booking fee. More info

South America

South America is a continent of natural and manmade superlatives. When you book flights to South America you are entering a continent of breathtaking...

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This is the lowest fare found in the last 24 hours by visitors of www.budgetair.com/en_us and is excl. a US$ 5.00 booking fee. More info

Central America

Central America stretches from southern Mexico in the north, to northern South America in the south. The region consists of seven independent nations...

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This is the lowest fare found in the last 24 hours by visitors of www.budgetair.com/en_us and is excl. a US$ 5.00 booking fee. More info


Book your flights to Africa the second largest continent on earth with the largest number of independent countries and most spoken languages...

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This is the lowest fare found in the last 24 hours by visitors of www.budgetair.com/en_us and is excl. a US$ 5.00 booking fee. More info

South Pacific

Book your flights to the South Pacific also geographically referred to as Oceania. The South Pacific comprises the islands located in the southern Pacific Ocean...

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This is the lowest fare found in the last 24 hours by visitors of www.budgetair.com/en_us and is excl. a US$ 5.00 booking fee. More info


The Caribbean region is famous worldwide for its string of Antillean islands stretching from North America to South America. These islands are popular with travelers...

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This is the lowest fare found in the last 24 hours by visitors of www.budgetair.com/en_us and is excl. a US$ 5.00 booking fee. More info

Before you head to the airport

Complete your trip with BudgetAir.com:

How to find the cheapest flights?

  • Be flexible! There could be cheap flights for international tickets at any time! So be out on a lookout, but also think of when to fly and to which destinations to fly in and out from? A good tip is to search for flights on Tuesday, and to book flights that fly on Wednesday, but look around at the days before and after the first desired dates. Also check the available a week before and later.
  • Flying there and back with different airlines or from different airports may help as well keeping the trip budget low. Use our filters during the search process and find the ticket that best suits your needs.
  • It’s usually better to buy your tickets at least 4-5 months in advance.
  • Last Minute Deals can also save you money. But you need a bit of luck as the price can vary due to the season and availability.
  • Subscribe to our newsletter to get our latest flight deals and special offers, including exclusive discounts.

Why are prices of airline tickets different?

Flight ticket costs depends on several factors. First, the airline determines how much airline tickets cost. This price differs by booking class. If you are looking to book a flight months in advance, ticket prices are generally lower. In the week before the flight departs, the prices of airline tickets for this flight will go down or just up, depending on the airline's targets and market demand. Other factors affecting airline prices include changes in fuel costs, airport tax and maintenance costs.

What name do I have to fill in on the airline ticket?

The name you have to fill in on your ticket must be the same as the name displayed in your passport/government-issued ID. That means: the first name in the passport and the last name. Pay attention to the name you write down when you are making your booking as amending the name later can come with a cost! If your name is not correct on your e-ticket, we recommend that you report this to us as quickly as possible to minimize costs. If the traveler names on the airline ticket do not match the passport, the airlines may deny denying boarding for the passenger. Read more: What name should I use for my flight ticket?

How do I book flights with multiple destinations?

Do you want to combine a trip to Barcelona with a visit to Madrid? Great idea! You can put together your own itinerary by combining several flights in one booking. Choose the option "Multiple destinations" in our search box. You can fly back from a different airport than the one you arrived at.

I need ideas on where to visit

Imagine sauntering down the Champs Elysees in Paris, France, after getting a great deal on your overseas flights through BudgetAir.com, or wandering the streets of Amsterdam while taking in the laidback atmosphere?

If you want to go further afield, there is the option of buying flights to see

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Can I find last minute flight deals on BudgetAir.com?

Yes! Are you looking for something short term? Check our last minute flights page has you covered!

So how do I look for international flight deals?

  1. Decide where you want to go
  2. Search, compare and check our international flight deals on BudgetAir.com
  3. Book your flights (One-way, round trip or multistop)
  4. Check out the other services (Travel insurance, seat, baggage, car rental, etc)
  5. Start packing See our helpful packing list

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*Return fares per person, including taxes, excluding a US$ 5.00 booking fee.

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