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*Return fares per person, including taxes, excluding a US$ 5.00 booking fee.
On this page you can find a list of all the airlines that you can book with us. We'll show you the most important information to help you with your search. Whether you're looking for extra legroom, more standard baggage or a meal on board: we help you compare.
BudgetAir searches three different types of airlines to find cheap airfares available:
A Carriers: Here you will find all your favorite airlines and alliances; United Airlines, British Airways, Singapore Airlines, Air France, KLM etc. These airlines offer global coverage and mileage programs and are very well known to the traveling public.
B Carriers: In order to get our lowest price available, BudgetAir also searches smaller airlines that may not be as famous as A carriers, but offer great value for money, and excellent customer service. Some B carriers include China Airlines, Asiana Airlines, Philippine Airlines, Virgin Australia and many more.
C Carriers: Offer no-frills flights on local hops within Europe and Asia and also across the Atlantic and the Pacific, offering the best value in the sky. Some excellent low cost airlines include Air Europa and Martinair.
*Return fares per person, including taxes, excluding a US$ 5.00 booking fee.
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