What name should I use on my flight ticket?
For most people, it is a stumbling block: what name should you use when buying a flight ticket? And what happens if the name on your flight ticket is wrong? Adjusting your name afterward is often expensive. That is why it is best to pay close attention while booking your ticket. But, luckily, Budgetair is here to help you!
- What name should be on the flight ticket?
- Which names should be on the flight ticket?
- A name with punctuation marks
- A name with one or more umlauts
- Incorrect ticket, what should I do now

What name do you put on the flight ticket?
When booking a ticket, you always use your first given name and last name as it appears on your passport or identity card. It often happens that people use their nickname, even though it does not appear on their passport. If you have several (baptismal) names, you only need to use the first one on your ticket. That way you can be sure that your name fits on the ticket. For example, Leo, whose full name is Christiaan Leonard van de Laan, uses his full first name and last name when booking an airline ticket: Christiaan van de Laan.
Leo receives his ticket and finds out it says "Christiaan Vandelaan". If your last name, like Leo’s, has one or more spaces, the spaces will not show on your ticket. If you want to check in online with your last name or view your booking, you also type your name without spaces.
What name do you use when booking flight tickets?
First name: This is your first name as it appears on your passport or identity card. So, NOT your nickname. Do not include second and/or baptismal names.
Last name: This is your full last name with spaces. These can (sometimes) be deleted by the system.
What name do you use if you are married?
If your passport says e/v (meaning 'married to') plus your spouse's last name behind your name, you use your original last name (also known as maiden name). This always appears correctly on your passport.
If you only have your partner's last name appearing on your passport, use that one, the same last name on your ticket.

What to do if you have punctuation marks in your name?
If you have punctuation marks in your name (such as Esmée) your ticket will show your name without these characters. That’s because no punctuation marks are used on flight tickets. Esmée shows as 'Esmee' and Jan-Willem shows as 'Janwillem'. It is no problem to enter these characters when booking, as they are automatically deleted by the system.
You have an umlaut or another special character in your name, what now?
If you have a special character in your name, such as ß, Ü, Ä, Ö and Å, (according to the guidelines described above), the computer system automatically changes the characters to SS, UE, AE, OE, and AA. So, it is possible that your surname Böhmer shows on the ticket as 'Boehmer' and airlines may deny a passenger from boarding when the name doesn't match those on the passport. As most travel documents are MRPs (machine-readable passports), it is suggested to also check how the name is written on the MRZ (machine-readable zone) which is located at the bottom of the passport picture page.
Why does the ticket say 'Mrs'?
For adults over the age of 18, some airlines include "MR" or "MRS" in front of your name, depending on your gender. This is not related to being married or not, so there is no need to worry about that.
What happens if you don't have an incorrect name adjusted?
You can choose not to change an incorrect name on a flight ticket, however, this is not advisable as the costs of a name change can be quite high. Also, the airline has the right to refuse you if there is a mismatch on the names and the ticket will no longer be valid. With some airlines, it may even be cheaper to book a new ticket and cancel your old ticket, however, last minute changes are also quite expensive. So, once again, we strongly advise against travelling with an incorrect ticket as the name and order must match exactly as shown on your valid travel document. When making your reservation, please make sure your name displayed on the travel document matches those to when you are actually travelling. For example, if your booking was made with your maiden name, but by the time of the flight, the name on the passport has your married name, this may cause problems at the time of check-in. If you notice your name is incorrect after booking, please contact our Customer Support.