The craziest things seen on a plane
Wild animals under your seat, stray chickens, and crying babies. On Facebook, we asked you about the craziest things you have experienced during a flight. We enjoyed reading all of your stories! Here is a compilation of the weirdest, funniest, and most unbelievable:
Marco: "During a domestic flight in Nepal the aisle was full of bags of rice and beer cans... and a couple of chickens stood in a cage next to us on the seat."
Esther: "On a flight from Miami to Aruba with Antillean Airlines, a parrot flew back and forth through the cabin. We just ducked when it flew low..."
Anouk: "During my flight from Ambon to Jakarta, I was accompanied by a sloth under the seat in front of me. You don't want to know what kind of noise those animals make."
Riccardo: "On a domestic flight with Uzbekistan Airways, there were no safety belts, but you could hold on to a melon. Everyone had to put one on their lap because no more could fit in the cargo hold..."

Louise: "Sitting on the plane after a cool trip with a friend to South Africa. We had to share three seats with a man. Asked if I could use the seat in the middle to get a better night's sleep and just before I fell asleep, I suddenly feel that he is starting to massage my foot... And did it again 3 times. Then walking out of the plane, I see him leave with a wife and three children!"
Peter: "No toilet on a 4.5-hour charter flight... An empty bottle of coke gave necessary relief... Rogue peeing was not allowed."
Janine: "I celebrated my 25th birthday on a plane. It was announced and everybody sang for me, afterwards, my group received treats. It’s a special memory."
Kimberly: "On a flight back from Egypt, a woman next to us has puked over us just after taking off (and then twice more)! So for more than 5 hours, I sat in dirty clothes with a mixture of puke and coffee smells. I can still smell it now... "
Lisa: "Once half of the seats were blocked off during a flight. It turned out that horses were being transported."
What is the funniest thing you've ever experienced?
Hi, I'm Alyssa. Travelling is my lust and my life. What are my favorite destinations? Indonesia, Cambodia and Paris. Do I still have a bucket list? Oh yes, I do! Travelling around South America :)